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Theatre for In silico Systems Oncology

A Next-Generation Multi-scale Modeling and Simulation Platform








TISON performs an intergrative modeling of biomolecular networks, microenvironments, cell decision circuits, in silico cell lines, and organoid geometries. This in combination with a high performance simulation engine core and accompanying data analysis tools, equips investigations into complex multi-scale models.


Networks Editor

Networks Editor helps with the construction of biomolecular interaction networks of genes, transcripts, proteins, and metabolites. Users can design and analyze rules-based and weight-based biomolecular networks towards predicting cell fate outcomes which can be visualized as three-dimensional attractor landscapes.


Therapeutics Editor

Therapeutics Editor assists in undertaking a therapeutic evaluation of biomolecular networks constructed earlier using the Networks Editor. Editor allows the development of therapeutic screens towards identification of novel drug targets, drug repurposing, and personalized therapeutics.


Navigating Multi-scale Cancer Systems Biology towards Model-driven Personalized Therapeutics

Frontiers in Oncology - Special Issue on "Combinatorial Approaches for Cancer Treatment: from Basic to Translational Research"

A Personalized Therapeutics Approach Using an In silico Drosophila Patient Model Reveals Optimal Chemo- and Targeted Therapy Combinations for Colorectal Cancer

Frontiers in Oncology - Special Issue on "Combinatorial Approaches for Cancer Treatment: from Basic to Translational Research"

About Us

Recent advancements in high throughput sequencing technologies have enabled cancer researchers to investigate the complex interplay between biomolecules, giving rise to tumorigenesis, cancer development, and metastasis. Towards developing a mechanistic understanding of such phenomena, and deciphering the exact role of specific biomolecular entities within them, data integrative approaches can be quite helpful. TISON team aims to address the challenge offered by cancer, by leveraging data integrative approaches that cut across disciplines. Specifically, TISON assists in developing cancer systems biology models, simulations, and associated data analyses toward precision medicine and personalized cancer therapeutics.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is TISON?

TISON is a next-generation multi-scale modeling and simulation platform that allows users to construct, simulate and analyze the patient-centric cancer systems biology models.

Who can use TISON?

TISON can be used in cancer care to support clinical decision-making for the treatment of cancer patients. TISON can be used by researchers to construct in silico tumor models to decode the complexity of cancer.

How does it help patients?

It will help cancer patients by assisting oncologists in making data-driven decisions on drug cocktail design and suitability in light of patients’ gene expression data.

Contact Us

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Biomedical Informatics and Engineering Research Laboratory (BIRL), Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Lahore

LUMS, Lahore, Pakistan

+92 (42) 3560 8352

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