TISON performs an intergrative modeling of biomolecular networks, microenvironments, cell decision circuits, in silico cell lines, and organoid geometries. This in combination with a high performance simulation engine core and accompanying data analysis tools, equips investigations into complex multi-scale models.

Networks Editor
Networks Editor helps with the construction of biomolecular interaction networks of genes, transcripts, proteins, and metabolites. Users can design and analyze rules-based and weight-based biomolecular networks towards predicting cell fate outcomes which can be visualized as three-dimensional attractor landscapes.

Therapeutics Editor
Therapeutics Editor assists in undertaking a therapeutic evaluation of biomolecular networks constructed earlier using the Networks Editor. Editor allows the development of therapeutic screens towards identification of novel drug targets, drug repurposing, and personalized therapeutics.
Atlantis - Attractor Landscape Analysis Toolbox for Cell Fate Discovery and Reprogramming
Scientific Reports - Nature

CanSeer: A Method for Development and Clinical Translation of Personalized Cancer Therapeutics
bioRxiv - the preprint server for Biology

Navigating Multi-scale Cancer Systems Biology towards Model-driven Personalized Therapeutics
Frontiers in Oncology - Special Issue on "Combinatorial Approaches for Cancer Treatment: from Basic to Translational Research"

A Personalized Therapeutics Approach Using an In silico Drosophila Patient Model Reveals Optimal Chemo- and Targeted Therapy Combinations for Colorectal Cancer
Frontiers in Oncology - Special Issue on "Combinatorial Approaches for Cancer Treatment: from Basic to Translational Research"